Rear View Monitors

We hold a selection of rearview monitors from small 3.5" all the way up to 12". There is a wide variation in monitor quality, but we buy the best quality we can obtain. We have LED backlights in most of our models which is important as they have a long life. We also aim to get the highest brightness panels we can so they are move easily viewable. Lastly we always go for the highest resolution of LCD panel to give the sharpest picture.

On most of our range we carry spares and can do low cost repairs. People do have accidents with monitors:- bending pins, smashing the glass, dropping it or  driving over it. In the last case we could not repair it, but usually we can get them up and running again. We did once meet a case where someone had bought a brand new monitor and had bent a pin in the connector. The supplier he bought it off said he would need to buy a new monitor. Had he come to us in the first place he would have had it repaired for the price of the postage. We have split our monitors between single screen, quad screen and AHD.

Single screen rear view monitors
Single screen rear view monitors

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We carry an extensive range of high quality rear view monitors using high quality colour LCD panels

Quad screen rear view monitors
Quad screen rear view monitors

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Quad screen rear view monitors can display single screens, and 2,3 or 4 way split screens

AHD rearview monitors
AHD rearview monitors

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AHD rearview monitors give the best colours and definition